Little Mod
Little Mod
3,750 SF
Named, “The Little Mod” this urban infill development brings a new take on density in the West 7th neighborhood of Saint Paul, MN. The duplex boasts six co-living bedroom/bathroom suites per unit for a total of twelve suites.

The Nordic aesthetic with two simple materials of wood and large format panels is meant to complement its surroundings, not compete with them. The building faces south with large openings to bring in ample amounts of natural light and passive heating in the winter.
Faced with multiple challenges consisting of sixteen feet of grade changes in two directions, bedrock near the surface, and a small buildable lot, the design intent was to build a simple structure with minimal impact on the site.
The project is targeting a Zero Energy Building that pairs a high-performing building envelope with intelligent mechanical systems. Energy modeling will play a big role in the overall design of the building envelope along with the quality of windows and doors on the project. The goal is to produce more energy than the home’s annual energy use.
“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”